Release Notes: September 2023

The September 2023 release of Alinity was deployed to Test environments on September 14th and was deployed to Production environments on September 21st. A summary of the changes included in this release appear below.

Product Release Webinar 

New Features 

New “By registration number” query for invoices | Admin

A companion-query of the comma-delimited registrant number search query added on the Registration & Person search pages last month, but available on the invoice search screen now.

Culture switching on public complaint | Complaints

Public complaint forms can now be set up to support multilingualism through the use of links or buttons that allow the user to switch between the system’s supported cultures as opposed to including all languages in the same form display. When someone first navigates to the public complaint page it will attempt to choose a supported culture by comparing it to the cultures the user’s browser supports in order of priority.

Feature Improvements 

Org notes | Admin

The ability to manage notes for org records has been moved into the base admin module.

Practice hours | Person

Displaying custom practice hours is now supported on the person profile page. By default the the display will now support grouping by designations, but may be customized to display different groupings by Softworks support staff.

Person group descriptions | Admin

A person group’s description now uses a rich text editor allowing you to format your text with different styles.

Bug Fixes

Disallow new registration schedule types | Admin

Adding new years to your existing registration schedules is still allowed, but the system was showing a “plus” button to add new types of schedules for other designations. This is only valid under certain specific circumstances and is always handled by Alinity staff during initial setup. We’ve removed the add button to prevent any potential issues if someone tried to use it.

Extra space in task description | Admin

When creating or editing a task, a space was being inserted at the start of the description by default, this issue has now been corrected.

People import duplicating city | Admin

When importing people into the system using a the state/province code, a duplicate city record was being created. We made a correction to the matching criteria to prevent the duplication from occurring in the future.

Next release

The October 2023 release of Alinity is scheduled for deployment to production sites October 19th.
