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Release Notes: October 2022

The October 2022 release of Alinity was deployed to Test environments on October 13th and Production environments on October 20th. A summary of the changes included in this release appear below.

Alinity is Moving to Microsoft Azure – Almost There!

If you have been following our monthly blog posts, you will have seen our announcements about migrating Alinity to a new hosting platform in 2022. The new platform is Microsoft Azure© and we have been working with it in our development environment for about 9 months now. We are excited about how well it is performing. We still have some work to do so that Alinity takes full advantage of some of the latest technologies Azure offers. We are getting close however and expect to start moving client TEST environments to the new platform in July.

We will continue to upgrade Alinity with bug fixes and new features each month. As you may have already noticed, the volume of changes we make to Alinity in recent releases is less than in previous years because we have been reserving about half our team’s capacity for migration tasks. Still, this month’s release has some great additions and refinements we think you’re going to love.

Verification of the shared features of Alinity on each upgrade is taken care of by our development team. These are features appearing primarily in the Administrator Portal area of the system. Our team does not, however, verify the custom configured components on your Member Portal since requirements for these are often unique and cannot be addressed within the monthly upgrade period. Therefore, we recommend that you review and verify all member and public-facing features on your system before each upgrade. Please see our Verification Introduction article for further details and guides for testing.

Change List

This list is incomplete, please check back shortly.

Change Type Applies To
***************New Feature***************
Confirmation Emails New Feature Correspondence
A new merge field called “Email link (ConfirmEmail)” is available in emails and email templates. When this merge field is included in an email as a link the recipient will be able to navigate to the link with their web browser and confirm that they received and read the email. The email recipient list will have a new column when this link is present that indicates if and when the email was confirmed by a particular recipient in addition to the email opened indicator. Note that the CC feature is disabled when using this link type to prevent confusing results, CC recipients receive an exact copy of any given recipient’s email so would be able to click the confirm link themselves and set the confirmation date.
Pronouns New Feature General
A person’s pronouns can now be recorded on their record through person details. When this value is set the label background for this field is shown just slightly darker than the other labels on the summary to help admin staff identify the pronouns to use when communicating with a member. Additionally, this field has been added to several email and export data sources.
***************End of New Feature***************
***************Feature Update***************
Form Approval in Form Sets Feature Update Admin
In certain cases when reviewing and approving a set of forms, for instance a profile update and a renewal, the related forms can not be approved automatically. In the past you would need to navigate to that form and approve it before you could approve the parent form (renewal, registration change, and so on). Alinity will detect some of these scenarios now and when the forms are editable for administrators you will go to the first unapproved form in the set when navigating to a parent form. As well when approving one of these forms you will be sent to the next form in the set, if there is one, rather than being redirected back to that form’s search page.
Group Document Manager Feature Update Admin
Documents may sometimes be uploaded to the wrong folder, or you may want to change the organization of documents within a group. The group document manager has been updated to allow documents to be moved to different folders after it has been uploaded. You can now edit the existing document and move it to another folder within the group.
Document Display Feature Update Admin
Member uploaded documents from forms are typically displayed to administrators by type. This can sometimes be confusing for administrators as there may be many uploads of the same type. The document display for administrators has been updated to also display the title of the document along with the document type.
Org Form Review Queries Feature Update Organization
The “other forms” page under the “Org” menu now supports new queries for finding forms with in-progress or completed reviews associated. Specifically these are “by review status”, “expired reviews”, and “review recommendation”.
Disallow invalid future registration effective times Feature Update Registration
Admins are no longer able to future date a registration so far in the future that puts the effective time outside of your setup registration schedule, instead causing an message to appear and let you know that it is outside the scope.
***************End of Feature Update***************
***************Bug Fix***************
Approved Form Document Name Globalization Bug Fix General
When a form is approved the generated PDF will now set the name of the document in the culture of the member that filled in the form instead of the system default of English.
Address Filled in for Elavon Bug Fix Admin
When processing a payment through the Elavon interface in the administrator module the address will be pre-populated with the member values where available.
Removing Parent Org Relationship Bug Fix Admin
When updating an org, the parent org field can now be cleared and the relationship removed.
Allow manual registration changes after rejection of form Bug Fix Admin
When a registration form is rejected, admins are now able to start another registration change manually for the member.
***************End of Bug Fix***************

Next release

The November 2022 release of Alinity is scheduled for deployment to production sites November 17th.
