Release Notes: April 2022

The April 2022 release of Alinity was deployed to Test environments on April 13th and Production environments on April 21st. A summary of the changes included in this release appear below.

We’re moving platforms in 2022

If you have been following our monthly release blog posts closely, you will notice the number of new and improved features in this release is lower than we usually provide.  This is because our development team is working on migrating Alinity to a new hosting platform in 2022. The new platform uses the latest versions of cloud and database technologies and Alinity is being upgraded to take advantage of them. We will continue to upgrade Alinity with bug fixes and new features each month but at a lower volume.

The new platform will provide better performance, better security, and will make new technologies available for further improvements to the product.  One of the new features we can take advantage of immediately after moving to the new hosting platform will allow us to automatically add computing resources to your system during peak periods like renewal, and automatically return to normal resource levels when demand drops.  There are new options for document storage that will allow us to reduce storage charges going forward. The software will look the same as it does on our current platform so no special planning or retraining is required for this move.   We are excited about starting this next chapter of Alinity’s progression.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Verification of the shared features of Alinity on each upgrade is taken care of by our development team. These are features appearing primarily in the Administrator Portal area of the system. Our team does not, however, verify the custom configured components on your Member Portal since requirements for these are often unique and cannot be addressed within the monthly upgrade period. Therefore, we recommend that you review and verify all member and public-facing features on your system before each upgrade. Please see our Verification Introduction article for further details and guides for testing.

Change List

This list is incomplete, please check back shortly.

Change Type Applies To
***************New Feature***************
Search on Person and Organization Details New Feature General
A new feature has been added to the person and organization detail views that will allow you to perform a text search without having to navigate back to the main search view. It will support the normal text query functionality that allows you to search by name, registrant number and so on. The search is available by clicking the search/magnifying-glass button in the top right next to the add task button. When you type in two characters or more it will run a search and display the results in a drop-down, you can click on a result to navigate directly to that person or organization. You can also click the icon that appears to the right of each row to open a new tab while leaving your current record open in the old tab; clicking this icon with your middle mouse button will also open a new tab but in the background without switching you to the new tab immediately.
***************End of New Feature***************
***************Feature Update***************
Batch Withdraw Applications New Feature Application
If you have a number of applications that have not been submitted by the applicant or have not progressed after you have provided feedback, you can now withdraw them as a batch process.  This is similar to the withdraw option available for renewal forms. Using the query “Abandoned (applications)” may be a good starting point, then click on the applications you wish to withdraw, and then the Withdraw option from the action menu.   
Registrant Number Change Feature Update Registration
When a registrant number is changed in the system previously it would record a note with the details of the prior number that was set. This has been changed and now an alternate identifier record is added to keep the history of changes intact and easier to review. This is available in the group “Identifiers” on the main tab of the person details view.
Website Title and Icon Feature Update General
New configuration options have been added to allow you to set the title that is shown in the user’s browser window or tab. You can set a title for the member portal, public pages such as a directory, and the voting portal independently. The Alinity icon is provided as the default icon shown in the tab of the browser; if you wish to use your own custom icon, please contact our Help Desk about adding this as an enhancement to your configuration. The title text and the icon are cached when the application loads to improve performance so if you make changes and want to see them reflected immediately, please contact the help desk to restart your application. Most applications cycle on their own about once a day overnight.
Document Type Grouped By Category Feature Update General
Document types are now grouped by category making it easier to find the type you are looking for when adding or updating documents.
Group Membership Filters Feature Update Person Group
Expired group memberships are now filtered out by default on the Group Management and Person details screen. This filter can be controlled with a new filter control. Additional filters for pending, inactive, and term ending memberships are also available on the Group Management screen.
Long condition names on license/permit Feature Update Registration
Condition and specialization names appearing on a registrant’s licenses and permits were previously restricted to 35 characters. This has now been extended to support longer names (65 characters).  The shorter name – called the “label” – remains available for selection from drop-down lists where screen space is limited on mobile devices.  The longer “name” value appears in a separate field.  You will need to update the field in your master lists of Conditions and Specializations to take advantage of this update.
***************End of Feature Update***************
***************Bug Fix***************
Statistics widgets Bug Fix Person Group
Statistics stacked bar chart widget was incorrectly filtering groupings when a group does not exist on the initial widget load. Widgets will now display all relevant groups regardless of what was available on the initial load.
Export column descriptions Bug Fix Export
On changing export datasources or saved column lists, column description information buttons were removed and inaccessible. Column descriptions will no longer be hidden when changing datasources/lists.
Assigning reviewers Bug Fix Forms
When assigning reviewers, people with the same name would appear as duplicates in the list. Registrant #s, when available, are now displayed in the select list to mitigate this issue.
***************End of Bug Fix***************

Next release

The May 2022 release of Alinity is scheduled for deployment to production sites May 19th.
